Earlier this week, we learned how to knit two color brioche rib flat, so today we’re going to tackle increasing and decreasing. You can use increases and decreases in brioche knitting, of course, to make things bigger or smaller, you can shape a flat piece like a shawl or scarf, or you can make pretty lines and shapes like what’s pictured above. If you’re looking for a project to try these brioche techniques with, they’re all featured in the Exquisite Mystery pattern, which I helped design, and you can get help from other knitters doing brioche by hopping on board the mystery knit along that just got started a few days ago! Learn all about the Exquisite Mystery Knit Along here, and get the Exquisite Mystery pattern here.
how to knit a brkyobrk increase
Once you understand brioche basics, this increase is so straightforward to master! I can’t believe I used to be afraid of increases in brioche. As I mention in the tutorial video, it’s really not that much more complicated than a kfb, and each brkyobrk increases your stitch count by 2 stitches. I’m going to have to design with brioche more in the future – I’m completely hooked!
How to knit a bsk2p decrease
The bsk2p brioche decrease pairs nicely with the brkyobrk increase because it reduces the row’s stitch count by two (and the brkyobrk was an addition of 2 stitches). If you look at the swatch in this post, you’ll notice that the Y shape created by a brkyobrk increase is paired with a bsk2p decrease for a nice parallel/mirrored look.
Yarn support for the Exquisite Mystery design was provided by Dream in Color yarn. To learn more about the Exquisite Mystery Knit Along, check out this overview post, the Exquisite Mystery KAL Ravelry Thread, and order the pattern here.
I have NO IDEA what to do in the row following a 4-stitch decrease – how to do the yos to get back to the original number of stitches. I can’t find any videos to tell me. [sob !]
I need help on a brkyo8brk
What sort of help are you looking for?
Thank you for your easy to follow brioche decrease stitch video. I have been struggle with it for a while. Now I can continue.😄
It always makes my day to hear comments like this! <3 Glad to be of help.