burger baskets (I found mine for 50 cents apiece at JoAnn Fabrics.)
various yarn scraps
tapestry needle
crochet hook

Cut a piece of yarn a few inches longer than your basket is around. Thread your tapestry needle and weave the yarn in and out among the openings of the basket as shown. (You can also weave diagonally and vertically if you want to get creative!) If you want to knot the tail of your yarn to one of the bars of the basket to secure, you can, or you can hold it in place with a finger.

When you get around the entirety of the basket, secure the loose end (if you have one) to the live end of your yarn by sewing through the tail twice. If you’re using wool or acrylic yarn, the yarn will stick to itself and be good to go! If you’re using linen, cotton, ribbon or some other fiber, it won’t stick to itself so easily, and you’ll want to use knots as needed to keep your yarn in place.
If you’re using finer yarn, save yourself some work by double, triple or even quadrupling it as shown before weaving it into your basket.

You can use either a tapestry needle or crochet hook to weave your yarn in and out of your basket. Both work great, it all depends on your personal preference. Here’s a closeup of the mechanics of “basket weaving” using a crochet hook.

This would make a cute night-stand catch-all – I have a basket next to my bed with my iPod, earplugs, a few cough drops, pad of paper/pen, my glasses, etc!
I love this idea – so cute!
Thanks, Alexis!