1. White countertops with light finish cupboards from Ikea / 2. Formica’s 100th Anniversary Laminate Collection (and a really cool multi-level island thingy)  / 3. White counters with white cupboards / 4. Wood counters / 5. Whoa fuscia counters! / 6. Retro color kitchen / 7. White countertops with warm walls
I may live in a city apartment, but my intense appreciation of all things DIY extends to include home improvement projects despite my lack of opportunity to remodel my living space. For our anniversary this week, my husband surprised me by talking to our landlord into letting us replace our less-than attractive-and-falling-apart kitchen counter. I’m so excited! Once I have my nasty cold kicked, we plan on trying on our domestic hats and perusing some counter samples at the home improvement store. I’d really love to own a house one day, and my husband gave me a really great gift this year; a little taste of what it would be like to have a house, combined with a chance for me to be a control freak. As I’ve said before, what a guy. Above are my favorite inspiring countertops from my initial internet research session.
I like number 4 the best but I am biased because I just love wood. What’s interesting about that one in particular is that it’s made from planks instead of a solid piece of wood. You could probably save a nice chunk of change that way.