images via sources below / all patterns available at links below each photo
There’s something so whimsical about crochet! It’s so so perfect for creating structural objects like toys, hats and hooded garments, even for beginners. Crochet is just fun to do, and a great way to change up your crafting routine. As a designer, I love crocheting to reset my approaches to construction and texture too! Why not try one of these great new patterns this fall?
Charmaine Shrug by Tracey Martin
Apple Picking Shawl by Maaike van Koert
Teddy Bear in a Hoodie by Kristi Tullus
Blandala Blanket by Kathryn Senior
Juniper Hooded Scarf by Kristen TenDyke
Baby Humpback Whale by ChiWei Ranck
Girls Jacket by Jennifer Stiller
Back to Basics Cushion by Tracey Todhunter

Kelpie Hat by Joanne Scrace
Corner to Corner Snowflake Blanket by Marly Bird
As usual very nice, however did not see the gie-a-way site.