images via sources below
April showers bring… a new crop of gorgeous knitting patterns! In news that will surprise no one, there were a bunch of freaking amazing shawls released this month, on top of a handful of sweaters that are just so simple and elegant. Plus a pair of socks I need to cast on for every outdoorsy person in my life. My favorite thing about this monthly exercise in things-I-can-only-hope-to-cast-on-this-decade is that the designs speak for themselves. Take a look and find a place for these in your knitting queue!

Winterlight by Meg Gadsbey

Charlie Socks by Bethany Richards

On the Spice Market by Melanie Berg

Always Amsterdam by Isabell Kraemer

Secession by Kristina Vilimaite

Dancing Leaves Sweater by Pelykh Natalie

Daydreamer by Janina Kallio

Polwarth by Ysolda Teague

Ceciliana by Lisa Hannes

Islay by Gudrun Johnston

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